Contract: srcDeposit
Peti bridge contract interaction reference
Get the quote result from rfqQuote API
Find the corresponding contract address here
ABI (optional if you use the binding like Typechain)
Lock the assets to source rfq contract. if the bridge token is a native token, use the srcDepositNative.
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
_quote | RFQ.QuoteStruct | refer to RFQ.QuoteStruct |
_submissionDeadline | Number | get form rfqQuote srcDeadline filed |
value(msg.value) | String | ERC20 bridge: msgFee, Native token bridge: msgFee + source token amount |
Name | Type | Description |
srcChainId | Number | source chain id |
srcToken | String | source token address |
srcAmount | String | Input amount with source token decimal |
srcReleaseAmount | NOT REQUIRED | |
dstChainId | Number | destination chain id |
dstToken | String | Destination token address |
dstAmount | String | get from rfqQuote dstAmount filed |
deadline | Number(Second) | get from rfqQuote dstDeadline filed |
nonce | Number | get from rfqQuote nonce filed |
sender | String | rfq contract sender address |
receiver | String | receive address |
refundTo | String | refund address, Usually the user wallet address. |
liquidityProvider | String | market maker address, get form rfqQuote mmAddr filed |
Once the transaction submitting, same as other EVM bridge, user history can be found in TransferHistory API, and the transaction process status can be found in GetTransferStatus API.
Last updated